My life revolves around trust, shaping all elements of my existence. I have no choice but to bestow the most intimate aspects of personal care to people I barely know, leaving me vulnerable and open to abuse. Thankfully, the vast majority of society are generally trustworthy and honest. Living independently has taught me the art of patience and compromise. I have yet to find a “perfect” carer, a person who slots into my life seamlessly without invading my privacy, even if they had no intention of doing so.
In previous blogs, I have spoken about feeling as if I reside in my very own Big Brother house, endeavouring to cope with the endless new faces that appear on my doorstep, whilst trying to live an active lifestyle. I have come to the realisation that all of human life is adaptation. Growing up, I had to come to terms with my Cerebral Palsy, constantly seeking ingenious ways to interact with the world around me.
My adolescent years were extraordinarily difficult. Along with navigating my raging hormones, I was striving to understand my place in the world. The jigsaw of my life was missing it’s final piece, but that allusive piece always evaded my grasp. Many years later I discovered that it was, in fact my inability to accept my limitations, holding me back and preventing me from moving forward. My disability offers a unique opportunity to experience the world I inhabit differently, and perhaps even teach myself something.
My disability may sometimes feel burdensome to me, but I refuse to let it consume me. I have no option but to take the cards I am dealt, receiving them with humility and resolve, for the sake of myself and others like me
See you soon,
John x
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